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This site is dedicated to my friends and all those who influenced and motivated me so far for my artistic creations. I would like to thank them here for their support.

Milada Weber
She has discovered and promoted my creative abilities, without her I would not be in the place where I am today.

Team Wildcards
Our clan community often has ideas for new challenges.

It's fun to work with this creative pack of people... :)

SatanClaus aka [npx]timatrie
Since a LAN with him in march 1999 I am inspired by multiplayer games. Numerous further cellar LANs followed and they still belong to the best ones in Franconia today.

He signed my case for a can of CocaCola burn in record time :)

A faithful fan of my works and chatpartner in some endlessly long IRC queries.

Nerve of Death
With the guys from NoD we always have much fun on LANs - despite being our 'eternal competitors'. Among others they are one of the reasons, why I was focused intensively on CS a long time. /
The two communitys gave me the first chance to make my Counter-Strike pictures accessible to a broader public.

The members of the clan were my models in the early times of CS as for the remainder of us Wildcards. Always helpful and there when you need them.

German Hunting Force
I spent a part of the good old times in CS here. Many considerable players came out from this clan. Oldschool Gaming more forever :)

in memorian Christian "BigDaddy" Martin
Many things happen much too soon.
I will never forget our friendship and the time we had together.


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