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3D - Free HQ models and tutorials
Favourite Website Awards - Database with the best websites
Vray - Everything about the render plugin VRay and lots of tutorials
- Site with superior design
2Advanced - One of the most successfull newmedia enterprises
Neostream - Great site with mascot 'Shock-Boy'
- Has one of the greatest graphic databases in the web
endeffect - A lot of GFX and stunning wallpapers
Fli7e - Nice to view
Bate - Interesting scripts
PixelMassaker - Offers good graphics & wallpapers
NullDesign - Well-known german GFX website
Phong.Com - Popular Designer Site
Wasted Youth - Industrial style with many tutorials
Art @ - Publishes a lot of CS art images - Icons, new Frontend .dll's for Windows, etc.
3D Cafe - Tutorials for almost every GFX program
Wildcards - Website of 'Team Wildcards'
SPIEGEL Online - Best german news magazine
manager-magazin - German business magazine
Wedran's Cube Solution - JApplett to solve a magic cube

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